Friday, December 21, 2007

Seasons Greetings

Well, this will be my last post before the holidays. I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holiday Season.
Spend time with your family and be safe.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Upcoming Surname Showcases

Well, here is the tentative list of up coming month surnames that I will be showcasing. These families are all in my family tree. If you have any iformation you have on that specific family please email me with the surname in the subject line, my email is:

January DeBusk
February Branham
March Murphy
April Hannah
May Ditsch
June Schreiner/Schrainer

I will wait until later in the New Year to figure out the surnames for the second half of 2008, that way if someone has a family they want me to research and post I can add it there.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Coming Up in 2008!!!

I will be starting something new starting in January 2008. Each month I will "showcase" a different surname. I will include some family tree information, historical information, stories, and/or anything else I can find. I will be starting with the names on my family tree but if you have a name you're researching and would like some informaion let me know and I will add it to my list and we'll see what I can find, I am not promising that I will be able to post something but I will give it a look and see what I can find. So, you're probably wondering what surname with be the first, of course it will be my own surname, DeBusk. I haven't figured out which surname I'll do for February, I think I will post a schedule for the first few months so check back later in the week.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Start the New Year Out Right

Well, this year is coming to a close here in a few weeks and I thought a good way to start the new year would be to exchange websites that we find helpful in our research. I will be compiling a list of websites that other researchers enjoy using and I will post them here in my first post for 2008. So, if you have a favorite or helpful website you want to share just email me with the web address, title, a short summary of the info on that page, and why you like using that website. You can email me at .
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and I can't wait to hear from you.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Genealogy/History Web Sites

Hi everyone, this is a list of genealogy and history web sites that I received from another mailing list. I haven't had a chance to try them out so if you try one let me know how you like it and if it was helpful.

Al Beagan's "Genealogy Notes"©1996

Archaeology in Nova Scotia

Kansas (KS) History Web Sites: Native American Tribes, KS Trails, Forts,Cattletowns, Trails, Old West, Territorial KS Histor..


Cowley County, KansasBill Bottorff's Home Page Links.

In English.DUTCH PORTUGUESE COLONIAL HISTORY. Portugese en Nederlandse KolonialeGeschiedenis. Historia Colonial de Portugal e Holanda. ..

Guide and Index to Lists of Rulers History and info.

Native American Rhymes

Genealogy links.1st Choice Genealogy Ecards - weblattitudes.com

US State Library Links

This meta search engine spiders three book search engines.I put in " History of the Town of " and got back quite a lot.Booksearch x 3 - Search Inside Books with, Google & MSN Live

Ireland - Search List of Signers, September 28, 1912.Ulster Covenant - Search

Irish Diaspora Studies

Executions, Derby, England, UK, United Kingdom.

EnglandHistory of Guernsey Butchers

West Virginia Archives and History - Native Americans

Jewish Records Indexing Poland

Equivalent Christian or Given Names in English,Polish and German

Historical Map Archive

History of Private LifeDigital History

Ethnic AmericaDigital History

American Historical ImagesDigital History

Irish Potato FamineAN GORTA MOR - The Great Hunger Archive

InformationDartmoor Press. Devon's Premier Genealogical, Family & Local History Website

18th century cost of living - redcoats history **************************************

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm Back to Genealogy

Well, its been a while, I had decided to take a few months off of my genealogy research, I was driving myself crazy, not to mention in circles. But I am back at it now, I've dug out all the papers, the forms, and all of the other required equipment, my table and desk look like a cyclone hit them. For some reason I always end up back at the family tree work around the holidays, maybe because it's a time to spend with the family, who know, it's just my internal clock. So, I told my self that I would finish entering info from the spring into my laptop before I would allow myself to look up any new info, well didn't last too long because I found myself surfing the Rootsweb Message Boards today, which is what prompted this post.
I was looking through all of the recent posts for my numerous families and I came across a post that just irritated me. I will not mention which message board it was on (it is one of the surnames mentioned by me in my first post), anyway there was a researcher we will call "Person 1" who had posted a post listing who she was looking for and asking for help.
The next post was a response from "Person 2" attempting to assist by offering to look info up in a book they have for Person 1. And this was Person 1's response to Person 2's attemp to assist them:
"Hi,I have the book you mentioned, along with a few more. I have collected, and in many cases documented, about 6300 names of descendants of John and Mary, son of Jacob and Maria Magdalena. I also have another 5500 names of descendants of John's brother, Michael, and nearly a thousand descendants of the younger brother, Jacob. The H... book is somewhat helpful, but has many errors in it, so don't take it too seriously. I've been working on the family lines for about 12 years, and have found a lot of information that is available to anyone who is interested enough to look for it. I have also found a lot of cousins I never knew I had, and have enjoyed meeting some of them."
I was offended when I read this, I mean here is someone who asked for help then when someone offers to help them by looking up information in a family book, the person who needs the help answers back talking about all of the info she already has and doesn't even thank the person who offers to help her. If she knows so much about this family then maybe she shouldn't be posting questions on the message boards since she knows everything already about that family, and then after someone has taken them time to respond to you question you don't tell them thank you.
It is researchers like this that give us all a bad reputation, please remember that when you ask for help be respectful of the person who offers to help you because they don't have to help and if they offer you info from a source that you've already search in, just say thank you, an autobiography of your genealogy expertise is not required.
The person 1 in this story is actually writing a book on this family, I am tempted to post which family name it is on so everyone will know before they purchase her book, I will have to keep thinking on that one, I know I won't be purchasing it even if she is an expert.
Well, that I my rant for the month, I promise only happy thoughts.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Forest Park Cemetery, Joplin, Missouri

As I stated before, I just returned from a research/visit family trip to Missouri. We took one day and traveled all around Southwest Missouri, tying up a few family tree loose ends. One of the cemeteries we visited was Forest Park Cemetery in Joplin, Missouri. This cemetery has a wonderful resource for genealogist search for specific headstones and graves. It would be nice to see other large cemeteries follow their example and make it a little easier for genealogist to find what their looking for.
When you enter the Forest Park Cemetery the first thing you notice is that this cemetery is absolutely huge, I would guess and say that it must be 7-10 acres or more, when you're standing in the center the only thing you see when you look around is green grass and headstones. Anyway, the cemetery is divided into sections with each one being numbered. In front of each section there is a sign with a plexi-glass box. Inside that box and protected from the elements is a list for that section of the cemetery with names, plots and graves of the people buried in that section.
So, to find out what section your person is in you go to the center of the cemetery to the caretakers building and there is another sign with plexi-glass box that has the master list for the entire cemetery. This list is in alphabetical order and tells you what section and plot your person is in. Then you can go to that section and look up your person in the listing for the section and find out exactly where they are buried.
We had a little argument about how helpful the listing in each section really was once you had found the section on the master list. I preferred just cruising through that section on finding the headstone, my dad(who was helping me) thought it was more efficient to use the section list and then walk right to the headstone. The only problem with this was that only the master list was in alphabetical order, not the list for each section, these were in plot order so you spent more time looking at the list with more chance of missing someone.
Anyway, in the long run it definately speeded up our search, it only took us 1 hour to find and photograph 23 graves of family members and without their lists we would have spent the whole day there.
So, I want to thank the management and people of Forest Park Cemetery for taking the time to assemble this list and keeping it updated, it really makes genealogy research much less time consuming.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Back from Research Trip

Well, It's been a while. I took a research trip to Missouri. Found lots of "dead people" but had awful weather, rained everyday. I will post more on my trip later, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

MA Records

Massachusetts records have been open and unrestricted for 365 years. HelpUs to keep it that way by supporting the work of MGC with your letters tothe legislators in this state. Information follows for both residents andNon-residents of Massachusetts. The 1641 Massachusetts Body of Liberties states:"Every Inhabitant of the Countrie shall have free libertie to search andveewe any Rooles, Records, or Regesters of any Court or office except theCouncell, And to have a transcript or exemplification thereof writtenexamined, and signed by the hand of the officer of the office paying theappointed fees therefore." The current bills in the legislature call for restricting access to allbirth records since 1910 and all marriage and death records since 1950.These records are currently open public records and are the entry point forgenealogical and medical history research. Closure of these records is indirect opposition to the Surgeon General’s Family History Initiative. See familyhistory for more information. The indexes to these records are restricted in the same manner. This isunprecedented in our state. It will deny use by all non-governmentalindividuals: researchers in genealogy, medical history, probate heirs, banksjournalists, and historians. Contact should be made immediately. We stopped these bills in 2003 – but nowsupport for them in the legislature is formidable. If YOU don’t speak now,these bills will change the face of genealogy in Massachusetts and beyond.MOST EFFECTIVE: a signed letter with your reasons for opposing theseclosures, using your own words. ALSO: telephone calls, face to face meetings, and e-mails. SHARE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT: urge your sympathetic relatives, friends,neighbors, and the professionals listed above to do the same.Contact information for your representatives and senators is available from:
Your town clerk’s office
The state house at (617) 722-2000
The postal address is:
Representative (or Senator) _______, State House, Room _______, Boston, MA02133.
If you are out of state, please send your letters to:
The Honorable Robert A. DeLeo, Chairman,
House Ways and Means Committee,Room 243, The State House,
Boston, MA 02133; Tel: 6i7-722-2990; Fax:617-722-2998; Email: Sally Rolls

LDS Family History Announcement

This is perhaps the most important genealogy announcement of the past fewyears. The following announcement was written by The Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints:FamilySearch Unveils Program to Increase Access to World's Genealogical Records Tidal Wave of Online Databases Will Result
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH-FamilySearch announced today its Records Access programto increase public access to massive genealogy collections worldwide. Forthe first time ever, FamilySearch will provide free services to archives andother records custodians who wish to digitize, index, publish, and preservetheir collections. The program expands FamiliySearch's previously announceddecision to digitize and provide online access to over 2 million rolls ofcopyrighted microfilm preserved in the Granite Mountain Records Vault. A keycomponent of the program allows FamilySearch and archives to team withGenealogy websites to provide unprecedented access to microfilm in the vaultThe combined results ensure a flood of new record indexes and images onlineat and affiliated websites. The plan combines the assets and experience of the Genealogical Society ofUtah with the state-of-the-art technology resources of FamilySearch-allunder the single brand name of FamilySearch. The Records Access programallows records custodians to publish their data online by themselves or withthe assistance of FamilySearch or affiliate genealogical websites andHistorical societies. "Records custodians worldwide are experiencing growing pressure to provideaccess to their records online while maintaining control and ownership. Atthe same time, websites that provide digitizing and publishing services arestruggling with the staggering costs," said Wayne Metcalfe, director ofRecords Services for FamilySearch. "The new Record Access program takesadvantage of FamilySearch's resources and creates an economical andeffective forum where record custodians and genealogical websites can worktogether to accomplish their respective objectives," added Metcalfe.Working with the records custodians, FamilySearch can leverage its extensivemicrofilm and growing digital image collection to create digital images foraffiliate genealogical websites at a fraction of the cost. The affiliategenealogy organization will create indices of the digital images and thenpublish the images and the indices on its own website, the archive's websiteor a jointly published site. A copy of the index will also be madeavailable for free on the popular FamilySearch website, which will helpdrive traffic to record images on the custodians' or affiliates' sites. Fullfree access to both the indices and images will be provided to familyhistory centers, FamilySearch managed facilities, and the archives. If therecord custodian seeks revenue to sustain operations, a small fee may berequired to access images outside FamilySearch managed facilities or theArchive.For archives and heritage societies, the new program benefits include:Digitally capture, preserve, and publish records onlineIncrease access to records while maintaining control and ownershipIncrease patronage and business viabilityOver 100 years of archival and publishing experienceFor genealogy websites, the new program helps them:· Benefit from the knowledge and relationships of FamilySearch with thearchival community worldwide· Significantly lower costs associated with acquiring, preserving, orproviding access to data· Increase business viability and website traffic· Leverage an open platform that develops value-added services aroundFamilySearch, the world's largest repository of genealogical data.Under the program, FamilySearch will also provide tools and assistance torecords custodians who want to publish parts of their collection usingstate-of-the-art digital cameras, software, and web-based applications.The archive can work with an affiliate, historical society, or FamilySearchto index the images or host a website for the records custodian. The indexof the record collection will be available for free on FamilySearch, and therecords custodian's site will provide access to the images for free or a feedepending on the needs of the archive and those assisting in theDigitization.One example of the tools FamilySearch can provide is FamilySearch Indexing,a web-based application that engages tens of thousands of volunteersworldwide to create searchable indexes linked to the digital images createdby FamilySearch. "Through mere word-of-mouth promotions, literally tens ofthousands of volunteers are already joining this effort to index the world'srecords by registering at and donating a fewminutes a week online to the effort. Over 100,000 volunteers are expected toenlist in the initiative by year end with the numbers increasing as moreprojects-particularly international projects-are added," said Paul Nauta,manager of Public Affairs for FamilySearch.FamilySearch will announce the first collaborative projects of its newRecords Access program during the National Genealogical Society (NGS)Convention in Richmond, Virginia, the week of May 14, 2007. Many moreProject announcements are expected in the following months.Record custodians and archives that would like additional informationregarding the FamilySearch Records Services can contact Wayne Metcalfe( and genealogy web service providers shouldcontact Dave Harding ( (historically known as the Genealogical Society of Utah) is anonprofit organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints. FamilySearch maintains the world's largest repository ofgenealogical resources accessed through, the Family HistoryLibrary in Salt Lake City, and over 4,500 family history centers in 70countries.
Sally Rolls Pavia

Friday, May 18, 2007

New Research Website

Here's another website for people researching their New England Ancestors. I took a look around but really had nothing to research there because I have no New England Ancestors. But for someone who does you might find some useful information. Let me know how you like it and if you find anything. Here's the link:

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hawkins County, TN Genealogy Meeting

The Hawkins County folks would welcome anyone from Claiborne that would liketo attend. I'd love to see some folks I know and meet some that I only knowvia e-mail.Bobbi EstesDNA and GenealogyRoberta EstesRogersville TNHawkins County7:00 P.M.June 12th 2007955 East McKinney AvenueRogersville, TN 37857The Hawkins County Historical and Genealogy Society in Rogersville Tennesseeinvites you to a presentation by Roberta Estes on "DNA and Genealogy." Itwill be held Tuesday, 7:00 P.M., June 12th, at the Rescue Squad Buildingnext door to the Hawkins County Archives. Roberta Estes is on the speakerslist for ISOGG (International Society for Genetics Genealogy). Robertaspoke at "The Third International Conference on Genetic Genealogy" presentedby Family Tree DNA in Houston Texas, and also on the Voice of America. Sheis the founder of the Cumberland Gap DNA Projects both Y and mtDNA andshe is advisor for the Melungeon_DNA Projects. Roberta has ancestors inHawkins, Hancock, Claiborne and surrounding counties, and other areas ofcentral Appalachia. She will explain about the different DNA tests and howto use them with genealogy, and show the importance of testing mtDNA, thefemale line. Kits will be available. This educational presentation isoffered at no cost to the public. Penny Ferguson

Settling of Jamestown

See site:
In conjunction with the 400th anniversary of the settling of Jamestown, theSorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation is offering an opportunity todiscover possible ancestors who helped settle the colony. You do need tohave an all-male (Y-chromosome) or an all-female (mtDNA) line of descent toBe able to use this service. The following announcement was written by the Sorenson Molecular GenealogyFoundation: Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation Invites Curious to Search World’sLargest Genetic-Genealogy Database for Jamestown Ancestors During 400thAnniversary For Anyone Who Ever Wondered Whether They Had Ancestors Living in America’sFirst Permanent European Settlement: Non-Profit Research OrganizationBuilding the World’s Only Genetic Database Specifically for GenealogicalPurposes Offers to Help People Answer That Question for Themselves SALT LAKE CITY--Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF), a non-profitscientific organization with the world’s largest correlated genetic andgenealogy catalog of more than 4 million records from 172 countries, isinviting anyone who is curious about their family history to search its freeonline database to learn if they had forebears in Jamestown—Europeancolonists’ first permanent settlement in North America—during itsQuadricentennial celebration. Four hundred years ago, on May 14, 1607, three small, leaky wooden shipscarrying 108 settlers landed on a bank of the James River in what is nowVirginia. These first arrivals were English, but the settlement of Jamestownsoon became a genetic and genealogical crossroads of European, NativeAmerican and African people. Today Jamestown is celebrated as the wellspringof modern America because it had representative government, a freeEnterprise economy and culturally diverse population. “To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, we wouldlike to invite everyone who is interested in their ancestry to search ourdatabase to learn if they are related to any of those early Jamestowninhabitants,” said Scott Woodward, who is executive director of thefoundation and one of the world’s leading researchers in molecular genealogy “We know by reviewing the Register of 17th Century Ancestors provided byThe Jamestown Society that more than two-thirds of the family surnames inthe register are also in our database. Even better, through a combination ofgenetics and genealogy, we have multiple direct paternal lines from some ofthese first settlers, which gives us their exact Y-chromosome geneticProfile.” The free, online SMGF database ( is unique because it can linkanindividual’s genetic profile to specific ancestors by name going back six toeight generations or further. The non-profit foundation was established bybiotech billionaire James LeVoy Sorenson to foster goodwill and fellowshipamong humankind by showing scientifically how closely related each person isTo every other. Of the settlers’ surnames from the first three groups to arrive in Jamestownin 1607 and 1608—only to face disease, starvation and attacks by localtribes—more than half are found on the SMGF database. Surnames in theY-chromosome, or paternal line, database include Wingfield, Archer, Herd,Love, Emry, Cantrill, Bayley, Bentley, May, Dole, Cotton and Graves.Surnames in the mtDNA, or maternal line, database include Gosnoll, Sands,Sudley, Waler, Midwinter, Wotton, Gore, Martin, Dowse and Hancock.Any individual can query the SMGF database for genetic-genealogy informationfor free by obtaining their DNA profile (usually by a swish of mouthwash)from a commercial genomics laboratory and then entering the results into theWeb site’s database search menu. For those who wish to participate byContributing their records to the foundation’s database, the process is freeconvenient and private. Simply request a kit on the SMGF website and thensubmit a DNA sample and an accompanying four-generation pedigree chart. About Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF), a non-profit researchorganization, is the pioneer in the rapidly developing fields of geneticgenealogy and DNA analysis. Combining powerful new DNA research withconventional genealogy, SMGF has created a potent new “Rosetta Stone” ofgenetic understanding that connects individuals throughout the world withtheir ancestors and living relatives. SMGF has created the world’s largestrepository of correlated genetic and genealogical information—more than 4million total ancestors’ names representing linked DNA samples and pedigreecharts from 107 countries, or more than half of the nations of the world. Sally Rolls Paviasallypavia2001@yahoo.comList Owner: GENEALOGYBITSANDPIECES-L-request@rootsweb.comArchives:"All incoming and outgoing email checked by Norton Anti-Virus"

Filles du Roi

Ancestry Daily News Michael John Neill – 4/7/2004
An Introduction to the Filles du Roi
Promises of royal lineage attract the attention of many. There are millions of descendants of the “king's daughters” who arrived in Quebec between 1663 and 1673. Their relationship to the king is purely financial, not genetic.
When I purchased Peter Gagne's book King's Daughters and Founding Mothers: The Filles du Roi 1663-1673 last year at a conference, my knowledge was minimal. I knew two things: that one of my wife's ancestors was a fille du roi, and that these “king's daughters” were not literally daughters of the king. Over 700 of these women were brought from France to Quebec between 1663 and 1673. King Louis XIV was concerned about the growth of the colony and the subsidized importation of women was seen as a way to strengthen Quebec and increase its independence from France. In 1663 the population of Quebec was only 2,500 and the gender ratio was highly unbalanced. The state importation of women would help to balance the gender ratio and eventually increase the population of the colony through the resulting births of children. These women were called filles du roi as the French crown bore the responsibility for their transportation and settlement expenses, not because they were related to the French nobility. In many cases a dowry was also provided upon their marriage and women were given a chest containing needles, thread, and other supplies to help them begin their households. A quick look at several of my wife's forebears in the book cleared up some unspoken assumptions I had about these women.
Jeanne DenotBorn about 1645 in Paris, Jeanne left for Canada in 1666 after the death of her father. Her first husband in Quebec was actually not a Frenchman, but rather a Spaniard, Andre Robidou. Andre died after ten years of marriage and five children. Within five months of Andre's death in 1678, Jeanne married Jacques Suprenant and subsequently had eight more children. Many widows or widowers with small children would remarry quickly if another suitable spouse could be found--Jeanne was no exception.
Louise LecoutreLouise was born about 1648, but her specific origins in France are unknown. This is somewhat unusual, as the specific French origins are known for the majority of the filles du roi.
Marguerite ArdionMarguerite was born about 1638 into a Protestant family in La Rochelle. I had assumed (incorrectly) that all the filles du roi were Catholic. Marguerite came to Quebec in 1663, but she did not come alone. She was a widow with one child, Laurent Beaudet. In Quebec in October 1663, she married Jean Rabouin. They had several children. Marie ChevreauMarie was born in France about 1652 and came to Canada in 1665 after her father's death. In October of 1665 she married Rene Reaume. The King's Daughters and Founding Mothers includes a transcription and translation into English of the marriage contract between Marie and Rene. The contract was unusual because Governor Courcelles and several other notables signed it. The likely reason is that the Marie was thirteen at the time of her marriage. The couple had several children and Rene had several brushes with the authorities before his death in 1722.
Numerous DescendantsThese women have millions of descendants scattered throughout North America. Those of us with French-Canadian ancestry may be related to many of these early settlers. In fact, my wife descends from Jeanne Denot and both her husbands!
Back to The Introduction After reading about my wife's specific ancestors, I turned my attention to the book's preface and introduction. It was time to learn more before making any conclusions. Reading or photocopying only the portion of the book that “has my name on it” is not a good research practice. Responsibly using any reference text requires that the preface and introduction also be read, not just the information or pages on the desired individual. A book of biographies such as the one I was using should include an introduction to the topic and a discussion of how the individuals were chosen for inclusion in the reference. Additionally, the reader should determine if the book contains bibliographies or citations to specific documents. Introductions may also refer the reader to additional texts and more comprehensive background material. Gagne's book provided an excellent overview of the filles du roi, including why they were sent to Quebec, how they were chosen, what the trip was like, and how they chose their suitor. It was an extremely interesting history lesson.
Who?Not all the “king's daughters” were orphans. According to Gagne, only 11 percent of the women had lost both their parents before their emigration. One interesting distinction of the filles du roi was that only 11 percent of these women had other relatives who immigrated. They are one of the few groups of individuals who did immigrate to a new land as part of a larger chain migration. The women tended to be poor.
How?Women were generally taken from French institutions, recommended by various officials of the Catholic church, or (in a few cases) individuals who volunteered themselves. Most came willingly, but some probably felt they had no real choice and were hoping for a better life in Quebec. Women who wanted to immigrate to Quebec had to be of childbearing age and in good health. The majority of these women were from the northern part of France.
The MatchingThose suitors who were looking for a bride had to do more than simply knock on the door of residences housing the women. They would have to apply to the directress and indicate how they made a living, how much property they owned, and how many possessions they had. The men tried to select women who would adjust to the climate and lifestyle, and the women were also allowed to ask questions of the men. A man who had a suitable residence was at an advantage over those who did not. The majority of the women found suitors, but those who did not typically had to settle for a position as a household servant. Remember that descent from the “king's daughters” does not mean a royal lineage. What it does mean, though, is that genealogy continues to be a never-ending history lesson.
A Few LinksPeter Gagne's book, King's Daughters and Founding Mothers: The Filles du Roi: 1663-1673
Alphabetical List of the King's Daughters
La Société des Filles du Roi et soldats du Carignan, Inc.
Louis Hébert--The Filles du Roi
Those wishing to learn more about researching French-Canadian ancestors (including the “king's daughters”) may also refer to “-French Canadian Sources ” Chapter 25. Les Filles du Roi--The King's Daughters published by Ancestry in 2002.
Michael John Neill is the Course I Coordinator at the Genealogical Institute of Mid America (GIMA) held annually in Springfield, Illinois, and is also on the faculty of Carl Sandburg College in Galesburg, Illinois. Michael is the Web columnist for the FGS FORUM and is on the editorial board of the Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly. He conducts seminars and lectures on a wide variety of genealogical and computer topics and contributes to several genealogical publications, including Ancestry Magazine and Genealogical Computing. You can e-mail him at or visit his website at, but he regrets that he is unable to assist with personal research.
Upcoming Events for Michael John Neill24 April 2004, Moline, IllinoisMichael will be the featured speaker at the annual Quad Cities Genealogy Conference, held in Moline, Illinois. Topics include: “Where did the Farm Go?” “Research on a Tight Budget,” “Researching the Entire Family,” and “Where Do I Go from Here?” For more information, e-mail .
14 May 2004, St. Peters, MissouriMichael will present an all-day computer workshop on Family Tree Maker at St. Charles Community College in St. Peters, Missouri. For more information visit
15 May 2004, St. Peters MissouriMichael will present an all day computer workshop on Online Genealogy Methods at St. Charles Community College in St. Peters, Missouri. For more information visit
20 May 2004, Dearborn, MichiganAll day computer workshop, “Census Research Online,” at Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Michigan. For more information visit:
21 May 2004, Dearborn, MichiganGenealogy Computer Workshop at Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Michigan (online trip preparation, introduction to European research online, using online card catalogs, and more). For more information visit:
22 May 2004An all day Family Tree Maker computer workshop at Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, Michigan. For more information visit: / Copyright 2004,

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Today in History

Here is an article I received, it explains a little about the creation of militias and the men who were a part of them.

"1792: Militia Act establishes conscription under federal law On this day in 1792, Congress passes the second portion of the Militia Act,requiring that "every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respectiveStates, resident therein, who is or shall be of age eighteen years, andunder the age of forty-five years… be enrolled in the militia." Six days before, Congress had established the president's right to call outthe militia. The outbreak of Shay's Rebellion, a protest against taxationand debt prosecution in western Massachusetts in 1786-87, had firstconvinced many Americans that the federal government should be given thepower to put down rebellions within the states. The inability of theContinental Congress under the Articles of Confederation to respond to thecrisis was a major motivation for the peaceful overthrow of the governmentand the drafting of a new federal Constitution. The Militia Act was tested shortly after its passage, when farmers inwestern Pennsylvania, angered by a federal excise tax on whiskey, attackedthe home of a tax collector and then, with their ranks swollen to 6,000camped outside Pittsburgh, threatened to march on the town. In response,President Washington, under the auspices of the Militia Act, assembled 15000 men from the surrounding states and eastern Pennsylvania as a federalmilitia commanded by Virginia's Henry Lee to march upon the Pittsburghencampment. Upon its arrival, the federal militia found none of the rebelswilling to fight. The mere threat of federal force had quelled the rebellionand established the supremacy of the federal government. 1864: Lee beats Grant to Spotsylvania On this day, Yankee troops arrive at Spotsylvania Court House to find theRebels already there. After the Battle of the Wilderness (May 5-6), UlyssesS. Grant's Army of the Potomac marched south in the drive to take Richmond.Grant hoped to control the strategic crossroads at Spotsylvania Court House,so he could draw Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia into open ground. Spotsylvania was important for a number of reasons. The crossroads weresituated between the Wilderness and Hanover Junction, where the tworailroads that supplied Lee's army met. The area also lay past Lee's leftflank, so if Grant beat him there he would not only have a head start towardRichmond, but also the clearest path. Lee would then be forced to attackGrant or race him to Richmond along poor roads. Unbeknownst to Grant, Lee had received reports of Union cavalry movements tothe south of the Wilderness battle lines. On the evening of May 7, Leeordered James Longstreet's corps, which were under the direction of RichardAnderson after Longstreet had been shot the previous day, to march at nightto Spotsylvania. Anderson's men marched the 11 miles entirely in the dark,and won the race to the crossroads, where they took refuge behind hastilyconstructed breastworks and waited. Now it would be up to Grant to force theConfederates from their position. The stage was set for one of the bloodiestengagements of the war. 1919: New celebration of Armistice Day proposed On May 8, 1919, Edward George Honey, a journalist from Melbourne, Australia,living in London at the time, writes a letter to the London Evening Newsproposing that the first anniversary of the armistice ending World WarI-concluded on November 11, 1918-be commemorated by several moments ofsilence. Honey, who briefly served in the British army during World War I beforebeing discharged with a leg injury, had been concerned by the way people inLondon had celebrated on the streets on the actual day of the armistice. Inhis letter to the newspaper the following May, he wrote that a silentcommemoration of the sacrifices made and the lives lost during the war wouldbe a far more appropriate way to mark the first anniversary of its end. "Five little minutes only," Honey wrote. "Five silent minutes of nationalremembrance. A very sacred intercession. Communion with the Glorious Deadwho won us peace, and from the communion new strength, hope and faith in themorrow. Church services, too, if you will, but in the street, the home, thetheatre, anywhere, indeed, where Englishmen and their women chance to be,surely in this five minutes of bitter-sweet silence there will be serviceenough." Though Honey's letter did not immediately bring about a change, a similarsuggestion was made to Sir Percy Fitzpatrick that October and reached KingGeorge V, who on November 17, 1919, made an official proclamation that "atthe hour when the Armistice came into force, the 11th hour of the 11th dayof the 11th month, there may be for the brief space of two minutes acomplete suspension of all our normal activities … so that in perfectstillness, the thoughts of everyone may be concentrated on reverentremembrance of the glorious dead." Though it is not officially recorded thatthe king read and was influenced by Honey's letter, the journalist wasinvited by the king to a palace rehearsal of the two minutes of silence, atradition which is still honored in much of the former British empire. 1945: V-E Day is celebrated in American and Britain On this day in 1945, both Great Britain and the United States celebrateVictory in Europe Day. Cities in both nations, as well as formerly occupiedcities in Western Europe, put out flags and banners, rejoicing in the defeatof the Nazi war machine. The eighth of May spelled the day when German troops throughout Europefinally laid down their arms: In Prague, Germans surrendered to their Sovietantagonists, after the latter had lost more than 8,000 soldiers, and theGermans considerably more; in Copenhagen and Oslo; at Karlshorst, nearBerlin; in northern Latvia; on the Channel Island of Sark--the Germansurrender was realized in a final cease-fire. More surrender documents weresigned in Berlin and in eastern Germany. The main concern of many German soldiers was to elude the grasp of Sovietforces, to keep from being taken prisoner. About 1 million Germans attempteda mass exodus to the West when the fighting in Czechoslovakia ended, butwere stopped by the Russians and taken captive. The Russians tookapproximately 2 million prisoners in the period just before and after theGerman surrender. Meanwhile, more than 13,000 British POWs were released and sent back toGreat Britain. Pockets of German-Soviet confrontation would continue into the next day. OnMay 9, the Soviets would lose 600 more soldiers in Silesia before theGermans finally surrendered. Consequently, V-E Day was not celebrated untilthe ninth in Moscow, with a radio broadcast salute from Stalin himself: "Theage-long struggle of the Slav nations...has ended in victory. Your couragehas defeated the Nazis. The war is over." 1972: Mining of North Vietnamese harbors is announced President Richard Nixon announces that he has ordered the mining of majorNorth Vietnamese ports, as well as other measures, to prevent the flow ofarms and material to the communist forces that had invaded South Vietnam inMarch. Nixon said that foreign ships in North Vietnamese ports would havethree days to leave before the mines were activated; U.S. Navy ships wouldthen search or seize ships, and Allied forces would bomb rail lines fromChina and take whatever other measures were necessary to stem the flow ofmaterial. Nixon warned that these actions would stop only when all U.S.prisoners of war were returned and an internationally supervised cease-firewas initiated. If these conditions were met, the United States would "stopall acts of force throughout Indochina and proceed with the completewithdrawal of all forces within four months." Nixon's action was in response to the North Vietnamese Nguyen Hue Offensive.On March 30, the North Vietnamese had initiated a massive invasion of SouthVietnam. Committing almost their entire army to the offensive, the NorthVietnamese launched a three-pronged attack. In the initial attack, fourNorth Vietnamese divisions attacked directly across the Demilitarized Zoneinto Quang Tri province. Following that assault, the North Vietnameselaunched two more major attacks: at An Loc in Binh Long Province, 60 milesnorth of Saigon; and at Kontum in the Central Highlands. With the threeattacks, the North Vietnamese committed 500 tanks and 150,000 regular troops(as well as thousands of Viet Cong) supported by heavy rocket and artilleryfire. The North Vietnamese, enjoying much success on the battlefield, didnot respond to Nixon's demands. The announcement that North Vietnamese harbors would be mined led to a waveof antiwar demonstrations at home, which resulted in violent clashes withpolice and 1,800 arrests on college campuses and in cities from Boston toSan Jose, California. Police used wooden bullets and tear gas in Berkeley;three police officers were shot in Madison, Wisconsin; and 715 NationalGuardsmen were activated to quell violence in Minneapolis."
Sally Rolls Pavia
List Owner:

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Chronicling America

The Library of Congress and the NationalEndowment for the Humanities have debutedChronicling America, a collection of226,000 digitized newspaper pages datingBetween 1900 and 1910 from publicationsIn California, Florida, Kentucky, NewYork, Utah, Virginia and Washington, DC.Institutions in those states received theFirst grants from the National DigitalNewspaper Program, which eventually willPost historical newspapers from all states. You can search and browse the papers at: show the entire page with yourSearch terms highlighted; to zoom, useThe + button or click and drag theMagnifying glass. Click More Options forThis Page to download a high-resolutionPage image or view it in PDF or textFormat (though the latter gives you aBaffling Optical Character RecognitionSoftware translation). The site also offers a directory ofNewspaper titles. Search by place, timePeriod, keyword and type (such as anEthnic publication or one preserved onMicrofilm). Results give you informationAbout the paper and where it's available. Sally Rolls Pavia

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Destroyed Records

I received this email and it about made me sick, what a waste. Hopefully they will be able to save some of these records.

"New Jersey Historical Documents and Artifacts Damaged in Flood Nearly 1,000 priceless Revolutionary War era historical objects anddocuments were damaged last week. Antique furniture is now being sprayed inan attempt to stop the mold, and soggy piles of documents from the late1700shave been frozen in an attempt to preserve them. Meanwhile, statebureaucrats are involved in a high-level blame game. A New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection official defendedefforts to protect the museum collection at the state-owned Steuben House inRiver Edge, where rising floodwaters from the recent nor'easter caused anestimated $1.5 million in damages. State legislators and members of theBergen County Historical Society, which owns the collection, are blaming thedepartment's Division of Parks and Forestry, which operates the house and isresponsible for securing items during a storm. Amy Cradic, assistant commissioner of natural and historic resources withthe DEP, said the on-site employee, Andrew Anderson, spent two days movingfurniture and other artifacts to the second floor and the attic. "We tookappropriate action based on our experience with past floods and theinformation available about the storm," she said. "It was an extraordinaryweather event." Sadly, that was not enough. There was sufficient room to move the items to ahigher floor in the house. Tim Adriance of the historical society said,There were plenty of volunteers available." Members of the historicalsociety even offered to help April 15 during the storm, but the Division ofParks and Forestry said that no assistance was necessary.Once the storm was over, the finger-pointing began. You can read more about this sad story in the web site at"
Sally Rolls Pavia

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Quote from Theodore Roosevelt

I received this email after my last post and thought that it was the perfect quote for today's Ellis Island Anniversary. Enjoy.

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Every American citizen needs to read this.

Ellis Island Anniversary

[Downloaded from Eastman's Online Newsletter] Free Access to Ellis Island Records, 1892-1957 The following announcement was written by The Generations Network, the Parent company of Note that you must create a free account in Order to access these records: PROVO, Utah, April 12 -- To honor the 100th anniversaries of the largest Year and single day of immigration through Ellis Island,, the world's largest online resource for family history, is offering free access To the only complete online set of Ellis Island passenger arrival records (1892-1957) FROM APRIL 12 TO APRIL 30. In addition, is inviting users to relive the remarkable Journeys of their gateway ancestors at the click of a mouse at: -- an interactive, multimedia Tour of this national landmark. More than 11,500 immigrants passed through America's "Golden Door" on April 17, 1907, the single-day record. In total, some 1 million immigrants would Come through the island in 1907 alone, making it the busiest year in Ellis Island's 60 years of operation. Each ship that docked at Ellis Island was required to give island officials A list of people on board. Known as passenger lists, these records reveal Invaluable pieces of a family's immigration story, from place of origin and Intended destination in America to birth dates, names of family members and Even the amount of money in their possession. "For millions of Americans, Ellis Island is a monument to their ancestors' Hope, will and sacrifice -- not just a New York tourist site," said Megan Smolenyak, Chief Family Historian for "More than 12 million Immigrants came through Ellis Island and though some settled in New York, Most boarded trains bound for Minnesota and Colorado and other destinations Across the country. Ellis Island's influence is felt throughout America." >From cramped, unsanitary conditions during their Atlantic voyage, to long Lines and dreaded medical inspections, Brings the "Isle of Hope" to life, illustrating the story of this great Immigration station through oral histories, original photos, maps and First-hand accounts. At the click of a mouse, site visitors can now discoverThe legacies of immigrants' sacrifice, survival and success, learning what Drove so many millions of immigrants to leave everything they knew for a Country they had never seen. This 100th anniversary comes on the heels of the November launch of Ancestrycom's U.S. Passenger List Collection, the largest compilation of its kind, Which includes more than 100 million names of people who arrived at more Than 100 U.S. Ports of entry between 1820 and 1960, the height of Immigration.'s easy-to-use search and navigation tools help users find theirAncestors''s passenger lists. Users can view a digital image of the actual Passenger list document, save to their online personal family tree, print For future reference and share via email with their family members. From April 12 through April 30, is offering free access to the Entire U.S. Passenger List Collection, which includes the Internet's most Comprehensive set of Ellis Island records. The U.S. Passenger List Collection complements and combines with's eclectic and growing compilation of historical records, Which also includes birth, marriage and death records, military records And the exclusive online U.S. Federal Census Collection (1790-1930).

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wonderful Resource

I everyone, sorry it's been awhile, I caught the flu, 3 weeks of misery, but I'm back now.
For anyone researching in Claiborne County, TN you have got to check out this resource I just found out about. It's the Clairbone County Pioneer Project and it is run by Denny and Marla Brubaker. They have tons of useful information about Claiborne County families. Take a look at it, I have found information on all of the family members I have from Claiborne County. A lot of it is info I already had but it only takes a few minutes, who knows you might find something. So, here's their address:
I plan on spending some more time on their site, so I will probably have more praise for it in a later blog. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Monday, March 19, 2007

More of my families

Here are some more families that I am researching Braden, Rouse, Weddle, Couillandeau, Fougeraut, DeLanville, Jubert, LeCauchois, Mustel, Copenhaver, Irwin/Irvine, Brereton, Hulse, Corbet, Summerville, Blackburn, Halterman, Stewart, Carrick and Bohannon. Anyone who might be researching one ofr more of these families can contact me.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Hi, my name is Brandie. I have been addicted to genealogy for years. I have decided to use my blog to keep people updated on genealogy news and also updates on my own family research.
I am researching many branches of my family, some of the names I am researching are: DeBusk/DuBois/DuBose/DuBosc, Ditsch, Schreiner/Schrainer, Scheurich, Murphy, Branham, Hoffman(n), Moore, Cullers/Koller(s), Clem/Klem, Nelson, Quisenbury, Tate, Simmons, Pickle, Gross, Phillippi/Philippi, Hannah, Butcher, Turner, Cunningham, Alexander, Patton, and many others. I will continue posting my names on upcoming blogs, there are many, many more.
Please continue checking back, I will be posting blogs on all sorts of genealogy information. If you have a research idea or question send me a note and I will see if I can answer it. Thanks and Happy Hunting!!!