Monday, January 3, 2011

Favorite Search Method

Happy New Year Everyone. With this being the first entry for the new year I have a request from everyone. I am trying to take a little "unofficial" poll to determine what search methods people prefer to use.
This started after a heated debate with a fellow genealogist over the weekend so I would like to know what search method you prefer and why. Examples are Ancestry, Rootsweb, Google or whatever source you use. So if you could drop me a line with you favorite search method and why I would really appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

Use Roots Web, LDS site, and anything I can find free. Don't think you should have to pay for this type of information. Have been into genealogy for about 30 years or so.

Unknown said...

I think I went to your web page.

I am from this line.
Martin DuBosc (d.c1360) "Lord of Coquereaumont" and "DuBosc de Tondas" Lieutenant to the Grand Master of
.. .Waters and Forests of Normandy m(1) Marie Mustel, m(2) Alix de Sibeville

A very large corporation researched this to find me. after receiving the document i have started searching as well and I have found a lot of useful information.

This document break down to my mother, so i need to complete this for the family as well.

Your web site is difficult, maybe i can share with you and find out who you are.