Well, here are the remaining ancestors that I haven't posted on my DeBusk line. I have been unable to document this information, I am still researching but this is how I believe the line goes. Antonie DuBose/DuBosc married Ann, he was the some of Isaac DuBose and Suzanne Couillandeau.
Isaac was the son of Louis Francis Boint DuBosc and Ann Salovay/Sanborne. He was the son of Pierre "Peter" DuBosc and Francoise Olivier DeLanville.
Pierre was the son of Antonie DuBosc who was "the King's Counsellor and the French Ambassador to the Netherlands. He was the son of Astronomies DuBosc. Astonomies was the son of Jean DuBosc and Ann Jubert.
Jean DuBosc was the son of Jean DuBosc, "Lord of Coquereaumont" and was Fecamp Steward to King Charles VIII of France, he married Margueritta LeCauchois.
Jean DuBosc was the son of Gueffin/Queffin DuBosc.
Gueffin/Queffin was "Lord of Coquereaumont" and in 1452 "Sheriff of Rouen". He married Isabelle DiFot/DuFot. Gueffin/Queffin was the son of Guillaume DuBosc and Perrette LeTourneur. Guillaume was known as "Sieur de Tendos de la Chapelle and Emendreville".
Guillaume was the son of Guillaume DuBosc Senior and Perronnelle. Guillaume Senior was "Sieur de Tendos de la Chappelle". He was the son of Jean DuBosc and Isabeau Mustel.
Jean was "Lord of Coquereaumont" and "Lord of Tondas de la Chappelle". Jean's father was Martin DuBosc, "Lord of Coquereaumont" and "DuBosc de Tondas", he married Marie Mustel.
Martin was the son of Geoffrey DuBosc, "Lord of Tondas de la Chappelle" and "DuBosc de Tondas", and Elizabeth D'Orbel.
Geoffrey was the son of Claude DuBosc, "Lord of Tondas de la Chappelle", and "DuBosc de Tondos". Claude married Jeanne DeCormeilles.
That is the end of the road for this branch. I hope this will help someone. If you are researching this line please email me.
The Next Family will be Pickle starting with Rachel Pickle my great-great-great grandmother who married Charles Martin DeBusk.