Well, it has been a while since I've posted anything, I just haven't been able to find any good websites worth sharing with you. So, if someone knows of one not already mentioned then please send me a message.
Anyway, until I find something worth talking about I thought we could us this down-time to try and help each other out with our research. So, if you have any brick walls or genealogy questions in general please send me a message and I will post it so others who read this blog might be able to help you or give you ideas. Please do not post your email address in you message unless you want it posted for the whole world to see. I figure that I will post the first help blog to get the ball rolling so here goes:
I am hoping that someone might have pictures of the headstones in the Spring Hill Cemetery that is located on the Cullers Family property south of Stella, MO. It is a small cemetery with maybe 15 graves. I have found the list of all the people buried there but I have been unable to find anyone who has photographs of the cemetery. Thanks in advance for any help.